Sassy Sandals

Sassy Sandals

~Sassy Sandals~

Have you ever realized how a woman’s sassy shoes make her happy? If that were not the case, women everywhere would not own so very many pairs of flower shoes. This is simple information, but you can use that to your advantage! If you compliment a lady on her sassy shoes, her face will immediately light up and she will suddenly be very talkative (each pair of shoes likely has a story behind it.where they were bought, what outfit they are intended for, etc).By taking time to notice the flower shoes, you are proving you are aware of her entire outfit and not focused on only one (or maybe two) parts of her body! It is rare that a woman is complimented on her shoes by a man, so do notmiss out on this rare opportunity.

patent black shoes with heels made of diamonds

If you routinely find yourself at a loss for words when you are around women, it is ok to look at the floor! Just ensure your eyes are scanning the room for the hottest pair of shoes. Or if you are a bit more conservative, find a woman wearing shoes you deem “safe and comfy” and make your move with confidence! Just as the added height of a high heel increases the confidence in the women wearing them.

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